
Reproductive Health Surveys Administered in Sickle Cell Clinics Can Inform Personalized Care and Multidisciplinary Collaboration.


Gillian Q Rush, Rania E Mohamed, Kim Moffatt-Bazile, Sri Lakshmi Jamalpur, Gianna G. Guzzardo, Bindu Kanathezhath Sathi, Seethal A Jacob, Layla N Van Doren, Maria C Velez, Ugochi Olivia Ogu, Gayle M Smink, Corinna L. Schultz, Esteban Gomez, Brandon Yap, Emily Lopez, Maa-Ohui Quarmyne, Jennifer Light, Elliott P. Vichinsky, Robert Hagar, Marsha Treadwell, John J Strouse, Neha Bhasin

Association of Surgical Splenectomy and Venous Thromboembolism and Stroke in People with Sickle Cell Disease.


Brendon Lee, Marisol Betensky, Alexander A Boucher, Alice J. Cohen, Robert M. Cronin, Payal C. Desai, Srila Gopal, Stephanie H. Guarino, Lewis L Hsu, Modupe Idowu, Julie Kanter, Sophie Lanzkron, Jane A. Little, Molly Mandernach, Deepa Manwani, Melissa McNaull, Sana Saif Ur Rehman, Kenneth Rivlin, Farzana A Sayani, John J Strouse, Marsha Treadwell, Trisha E. Wong, Rakhi P. Naik

Role of Menstrual Bleeding Assessments in Sickle Cell Clinics in Improving Quality of Care for Women- a Multicenter Approach.


Neha Bhasin, Gillian Rush, John J Strouse, Kim Moffatt-Bazile, Rania E Mohamed, Seethal A Jacob, Bindu Kanathezhath Sathi, Gayle M Smink, Corinna L. Schultz, Nicole DiVirgilio, Elliott P. Vichinsky, Maria C Velez, Robert Hagar, Maa-Ohui Quarmyne, Ugochi Ogu, Marsha Treadwell

Optimizing Acute Sickle Cell Care at Community Health Partners Medical Center.


Jeffrey T Means, Nicole Palmer, Jeffrey Uller, Daniel Park, Andrew Hwang, Brian Chinnock, Marsha Treadwell, Patrick Macmillan, Haifaa Abdulhaq, Wesley Viau, Nivedana Ravi, Sani Bukari

Impact of an Individualized Pain Plan (IPP) for Adults with Sickle Cell Disease Experiencing a Vaso-Occlusive Episode (VOE) on Patient Satisfaction and ED Provider Confidence in Treating Pain.


Rita V Masese, Lauren Siewny, Siera Gollan, Jeffrey A. Glassberg, Victor R. Gordeuk, Jane S Hankins, Cathy Melvin, Liliana Preiss, Paula Jean Tanabe, Marsha Treadwell, Allison A. King

Grndad and Disease Modifying Therapy (DMT): Shifts in Dmt Are Seen at the Adolescent/Young Adult Transition in Sickle Cell Disease in a Multi-Site Prospective Registry.


Sophie Lanzkron, Deepa Manwani, Julie Kanter, Arpan A Sinha, Robin E. Miller, Robert Cronin, Seethal A Jacob, James Harper, Alan Randall Anderson, Marsha Treadwell, Amma T. Owusu-Ansah, Beng R. Fuh, Molly Mandernach, Jahnavi Gollamudi, Suzanne L Saccente, Stephanie A. Fritch Lilla, Melissa McNaull, Dana Marie LeBlanc, Kay Linn Saving, Stephanie H. Guarino, Marisol Betensky, Alice J. Cohen, Ashok B. Raj, Farzana A Sayani, Sanjay J. Shah, Shalu Narang, Bindu Kanathezhath Sathi, John J Strouse, Trisha E. Wong, Ofelia A. Alvarez, Srila Gopal, Jessica Liang, Daniel Semakula, Matthew Chang, Kenneth Rivlin, Sana Saif Ur Rehman, Lisa M Shook, Melissa Frei-Jones, Jane A. Little

Optimizing Shared Decision Making about Hydroxyurea in Young Children with Sickle Cell Anemia.


Aimee K. Hildenbrand, Allison A. King, Constance A Mara, Yolanda Johnson, Lisa M Shook, Catharine Whitacre, Maria T Britto, Charles T. Quinn, William Brinkman, Rogelle Hackworth, Jean L. Raphael, Venee N. Tubman, Alexis A. Thompson, Kim Smith-Whitley, Sherif M. Badawy, Susan E. Creary, Neha Bhasin, Marsha Treadwell, Steven K Reader, Angeli Rampersad, Amy Sobota, Lori E. Crosby

Mortality in Adults with Sickle Cell Disease: Results from the Sickle Cell Disease Implementation Consortium (SCDIC) Registry.


Franklin Njoku, Norma Pugh, Marsha Treadwell, Jeffrey A. Glassberg, Abdullah Kutlar, Robert Gibson, Nirmish Shah, Victor R. Gordeuk, Lewis L. Hsu, Jane Hankins, Allison A. King, Julie Kanter

Baseline Patient and Provider Reports of Quality of Care and Confidence Providing ED Management of Vaso-Occlusive Episodes.


Paula Tanabe, Jane Hankins, Robert Gibson, Victor R. Gordeuk, Cathy L Melvin, Liliana Preiss, Lauren Siewny, Lynne Richardson, Marsha Treadwell, Allison A. King

A New Phen X Collection: Sickle Cell Disease Psychosocial and Social Determinants of Health Protocols.


Lori E. Crosby, Allison A. King, Jerlym S. Porter, Sherif M. Badawy, Dominique Bulgin, Steven J. Hardy, Staci D. Arnold, Desiree Williford, Marsha Treadwell, Wayne Huggins, Cataia Ives, Marian Sullivan, Carol Hamilton
